diascope: examples



Diascope description file

format 320x240@10 quality=1.0 flv=8,56
set dur=sec
set size=32

audio silence
create 1.5 white

audio techno.wav fade=5,0
fadein 0,5,0 Astern.jpg xyw=474,359,451 bg=white
kbrn 1,3,0 Astern.jpg accel=1 xyw=474,359,451 xyw=389,88,631 title=1.8,0.2,2,0 "audio cross fade"

audio psycho_stereolong.wav fade=0,0.1 vol=0.5
trns 2 cross
kbrn 0,3,3 Osterglocken.jpg rotate=90 accel=5 xyw=407,276,327 xyw=290,476,413 xyw=50,586,509 title=0,0,2,0.2 "audio cross fade"
crop 3 Maehdrescher1.jpg xyw=0,0,800 title=1.8,0.2,1,0 "audio switch"

audio techno.wav fade=0.2,3
fadeout 5,3 Maehdrescher2.jpg xyw=0,0,800 title=0,0,2,0.2 "audio switch"

Download example file


Groovy, groovy! Here's how to generate the sound. It's not much more than a combination of all examples from the soxeam manpage but it sounds surprisingly cool. All you need is sox. YMMV, of course.


echo "This script doesn't work for sox 13.0.0 or higher"

# Let's make a techno sound:
sox -t nul /dev/null -r 48000 -c 2 -t wav - synth 10 sine | \
sox -t wav - -t wav - flanger 0.6 0.87 3.0 0.9 0.5 -t | \
sox -t wav - -t wav - phaser 0.8 0.74 3.0 0.4 0.5 -t | \
sox -t wav - -t wav - reverb 1.0 600.0 180.0 200.0 220.0 240.0 280.0 | \
sox -t wav - -t wav techno.wav phaser 0.89 0.85 1.0 0.24 2.0 -t

# And now let's make a psychedelic sound:
sox -t nul /dev/null -r 48000 -c 2 -t wav - synth 10 sine 100-500 | \
sox -t wav - -t wav - vibro 3 1.0 | \
sox -t wav - -t wav - vibro 10 0.5 | \
sox -t wav - -t wav - chorus 0.7 0.9 55.0 0.4 0.25 2.0 -t | \
sox -t wav - -t wav psycho_cr.wav vibro 1 0.8
sox psycho_cr.wav psycho.wav fade t 0.1 10 0.1
sox psycho.wav psychorev.wav reverse
sox psycho.wav -c 2 psycho_L.wav pan -1.0
sox psychorev.wav -c 2 psycho_R.wav pan 1.0
soxmix psycho_L.wav -v 1.0 psycho_R.wav -v 1.0 psycho_stereo.wav
sox psycho_stereo.wav psycho_stereorev.wav reverse
sox psycho_stereo.wav psycho_stereorev.wav psycho_stereolong.wav

Download soundtrack.sh