diascope: examples



Diascope description file

format 320x240@25 quality=1 flv=8,56
set dur=sec
set font=Trebuchet size=40 fill=white stroke=DarkBlue strokewidth=1 label=LightBlue

# Along cubic spline path
kbrn 0,10,3 Lake.jpg accel=1 xyw=1369,8,320 xyw=830,16,450 xyw=408,52,645 xyw=491,110,820 title=2,3,5,2 "smooth path"

set stroke=brown label=SaddleBrown

# Linear kbrn with accel=1
kbrn 1,5,1 Rails.jpg accel=1 xyw=0,522,582 xyw=518,68,454 title=1,5,1 "accel=1"

# Linear kbrn accel=10
kbrn 1,5,1 Rails.jpg accel=10 xyw=0,522,582 xyw=518,68,454 title=1,5,1 "accel=10"

# Linear kbrn accel=50 and over=2
kbrn 1,5,1 Rails.jpg accel=50 over=2 xyw=0,522,582 xyw=518,68,454 title=1,5,1 "accel=50 over=2"

Download example file


Path plot generated by diascope for every kbrn (example)

Path plot