diascope: examples

Luma (built-in)


Diascope description file

format 320x240@25 quality=1.0 flv=8,56
set dur=sec
set font=ComicSansMSB size=40 fill=white stroke=black strokewidth=1

crop 4 Coast.jpg rotate=90 xyw=0,0,768 title=4 "next:\ndir=rl sharp=1"

# Built-in right-to-left luma wipe with soft edge
trns 2 luma dir=rl sharp=1.
crop 5 Lake.jpg xyw=532,11,916 title=2,3 "next:\ndir=rl sharp=10"

# Built-in right-to-left luma wipe with sharp edge
trns 2 luma dir=rl sharp=10.
crop 5 Coast.jpg rotate=90 xyw=0,0,768 title=2,3 "next:\ndir=rl sharp=50"

# Built-in right-to-left luma wipe with sharp edge
trns 2 luma dir=rl sharp=50.
crop 5 Lake.jpg xyw=532,11,916 title=2,3 "next:\ndir=td sharp=10"

# Built-in top-to-bottom luma wipe
trns 2 luma dir=td sharp=10.
crop 5 Coast.jpg rotate=90 xyw=0,0,768 title=2,3 "next:\ndir=td sharp=50"

# Built-in top-to-bottom luma wipe
trns 2 luma dir=td sharp=50.
crop 5 Maehdrescher2.jpg xyw=0,0,800 title=2,3 "next:\ndir=ro sharp=10"

# Built-in radially-out luma wipe
trns 2 luma dir=ro sharp=10.
crop 5 Maehdrescher1.jpg xyw=0,0,800 title=2,3 "next:\ndir=ri sharp=100"

# Built-in radially-in luma wipe
trns 2 luma dir=ri sharp=100.
crop 5 Maehdrescher2.jpg xyw=0,0,800 title=2,3 "The End"

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